Kahi, a hearthwarming place
Kahi, a hearthwarming place is a management game made during the Global Game Jam 2019, whose theme was Hearth.
The player controls the fire bearer, able to bring fire from the main hearth to the inhabitants of his tribe. The goal is to make his tribe survive during the night. You have to cut wood to feed the fireplace and bring fire to each tent. When the inhabitants are warm enough, they participate and cut wood as well.

In this game, I was in charge of the Level Design of the four proposed levels and the definition of the game variables. There is still a lot of balancing to do on this side to ensure the best user experience.
Below is the Level Design of the four levels, in the form of mock-ups made during the game jam to have a first idea of the final rendering with the graphics, they were also used to quickly integrate the LD in Unity.

Level 1


